Notice of Regular City Council Meeting


Kyle City Hall, 100 W. Center St., Kyle, Texas 78640


Notice is hereby given that the governing body of the City of Kyle, Texas will meet at 7:00 PM on March 20, 2018, at Kyle City Hall, 100 W. Center St., Kyle, Texas 78640, for the purpose of discussing the following agenda.



Posted this 16th day of March, 2018, prior to 7:00 p.m.

VIDEOI.Call Meeting to Order
VIDEOII.Citizen Comment Period with City Council

The City Council welcomes comments from Citizens early in the agenda of regular meetings. Those wishing to speak are encouraged to sign in before the meeting begins. Speakers may be provided with an opportunity to speak during this time period on any agenda item or any other matter concerning city business, and they must observe the three-minute time limit.

III.Reports and Presentation
VIDEO1.Introduction and Recognition of Police Personnel. ~ Jeff Barnett, Chief of Police

Appoint nominee for position on City of Kyle Ethics Commission. ~ Shane Arabie, Council Member

  • Joe Lucita
VIDEOV.Consent Agenda

(Second Reading) An Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Kyle, Texas; amending Chapter 2 ("Administration"), Article III ("Boards, Committees and Commissions"), Division 2 “Planning and Zoning Commission”; §2-72 “Quorum, Vote and Records.”; altering permissible commission members who can make motions. ~ Howard J. Koontz, Director of Planning and Community Development


Council voted 6-0 to approve this item.


(Second Reading) An Ordinance of the City of Kyle, Texas, Amending Sec. 41-1 “Definitions” And Sec. 41-4 “Application and Administration”, of Chapter 41 “Subdivisions”, of the City of Kyle Code of Ordinances, by adding new definitions, amending certain other definitions, and amending the chapter’s applicability and administration. ~ Howard J. Koontz, Director of Planning and Community Development


Council voted 6-0 to approve this item.


Approve Plum Creek Phase 1, Section 11G Replat of Lots 1 & 2, Block A (SUB-17-0011) 8.962 acres; 1 multi-family and 2 commercial lots located at the northwest corner of Dorman Lane and Kyle Parkway. ~ Howard J. Koontz, Director of Planning and Community Development


Planning and Zoning Commission voted 6-0 to approve the replat.


Approve Plum Creek Square - Site Plan (SD-18-0011) 4.712 acres, 2 buildings on 1 commercial lot located at 189 and 216 Kirkham Circle in Plum Creek. ~ Howard J. Koontz, Director of Planning and Community Development


Planning and Zoning Commission voted 6-0 to approve the site plan.

VI.Consider and Possible Action

Approve a Resolution of the City of Kyle, Texas, authorizing the City Manager to execute a Master Interlocal Agreement with the City of Grand Prairie, Texas; finding and determining that the meeting at which this Resolution is passed was noticed and is open to the public as required by law. ~ Leon Barba, P.E., City Engineer


(Second Reading) An Ordinance amending Chapter 53 (Zoning) of the City of Kyle, Texas, for the purpose of assigning original zoning to approximately 17.19 acres of land from Agriculture 'AG' to Single Family Residential 3 'R-1-3' for property located at 1001 S. Sledge Street, in Hays County, Texas. (Tom and Mary Ayers - Z-18-0023) ~ Howard J. Koontz, Director of Planning and Community Development


Planning and Zoning Commission voted 5-2 to recommend approval of the request.


Council voted 4-2 to approve this item.

VIDEO9.Approve a request by Todd Burek and James Ingalls for a Chapter 212 Development Agreement related to the design and construction of a single family housing project on approximately 83 acres located near the southwest intersection of Windy Hill Road and FM 2001. ~ Howard J. Koontz, Director of Planning and Community Development.
VII.City Manager's Report

Update on various capital improvement projects, road projects, building program, and/or general operational activities where no action is required. ~ J. Scott Sellers, City Manager

  • Great River Clean Up
  • Ethics Training
VIII.Executive Session

Pursuant to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, the City Council reserves the right to convene into Executive Session(s) from time to time as deemed necessary during this meeting.  The City Council may convene into Executive Session pursuant to any lawful exception contained in Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code including any or all of the following topics.

  1. Pending or contemplated litigation or to seek the advice of the City Attorney pursuant to Section 551.071.
  • Windy Hill Zoning and proposed agreement regarding settlement of the related dispute

      2. Possible purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real estate pursuant to Section 551.072.  

  • Discussion on options for real property for City's use

      3. Personnel matters pursuant to Section 551.074.

      4. Economic Development negotiations pursuant to Section 551.087.  

  • Project Goldfish
  • Magic Mint
VIDEO12.Take action on items discussed in Executive Session.
 At any time during the Regular City Council Meeting, the City Council may adjourn into an Executive Session, as needed, on any item listed on the agenda for which state law authorizes Executive Session to be held  

 *Per Texas Attorney General Opinion No. JC-0169; Open Meeting & Agenda Requirements, Dated January 24, 2000: The permissible responses to a general member communication at the meeting are limited by 551.042, as follows: "SEC. 551.042. Inquiry Made at Meeting. (a) If, at a meeting of a government body, a member of the public or of the governmental body inquires about a subject for which notice has not been given as required by the subchapter, the notice provisions of this subchapter, do not apply to:(1) a statement of specific factual information given in response to the inquiry; or (2) a recitation of existing policy in response to the inquiry. (b) Any deliberation of or decision about the subject of the inquiry shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on the agenda for a subsequent meeting."