Notice of TIRZ #2 Board Meeting


Notice is hereby given that the governing body of the City of Kyle, Texas will meet at 7:00 PM on April 2, 2020, at, for the purpose of discussing the following agenda.



Posted this 30th day of March, 2020, prior to 6:00 p.m.

VIDEOI.Call Meeting to Order
II.Approval of Minutes
VIDEO1.TIRZ #2 Board Meeting Minutes - Feburary 27, 2020. ~ Jennifer Vetrano, City Secretary
III.Citizen Comment Period

The TIRZ #2 Board welcomes comments from Citizens early in the agenda of special meetings. Those wishing to speak are encouraged to sign in before the meeting begins. Speakers may be provided with an opportunity to speak during this time period on any agenda item or any other matter concerning city business, and they must observe the three-minute time limit.

VIDEO2.This meeting will be held by teleconference.  Any citizen wanting to make a comment should dial in to US: +1(800)3368975 Meeting ID: 743 645 1934 to register for citizen comments.  Those wishing to speak are encouraged to call in 15 minutes before the meeting begins at the number provided above.
IV.Consider and Possible Action
VIDEO3.Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding draft TIRZ Strategic Plan. ~ Rebecca Leonard, Lionheart
VIDEO4.Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding Uptown Park and Cultural Trail design. ~ Steven Spears, Momark
V.Executive Session

Pursuant to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, the City Council reserves the right to convene into Executive Session(s) from time to time as deemed necessary during this meeting.  The City Council may convene into Executive Session pursuant to any lawful exception contained in Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code including any or all of the following topics.

  1. Pending or contemplated litigation or to seek the advice of the City Attorney pursuant to Section 551.071.
  2. Possible purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real estate pursuant to Section 551.072.
  3. Personnel matters pursuant to Section 551.074.
  4. Convene into executive session pursuant to Section 551.087, Texas Government Code, to deliberate regarding the offer of economic incentives to one or more business prospects that the City seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the City.
6.Take action on items discussed in Executive Session.

 *Per Texas Attorney General Opinion No. JC-0169; Open Meeting & Agenda Requirements, Dated January 24, 2000: The permissible responses to a general member communication at the meeting are limited by 551.042, as follows: "SEC. 551.042. Inquiry Made at Meeting. (a) If, at a meeting of a government body, a member of the public or of the governmental body inquires about a subject for which notice has not been given as required by the subchapter, the notice provisions of this subchapter, do not apply to:(1) a statement of specific factual information given in response to the inquiry; or (2) a recitation of existing policy in response to the inquiry. (b) Any deliberation of or decision about the subject of the inquiry shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on the agenda for a subsequent meeting."