Item Coversheet


Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion - Engineering for Design and Bidding Phase

Meeting Date: 5/16/2017
Date time:
7:00 PM


Approve Supplemental Amendment No. 1 with BURGESS & NIPLE, INC., Austin, Texas in an amount not to exceed $1,413,201.00 for a total contract amount of $1,811,989.00 for providing additional engineering services through final design and bidding phase for the expansion of the existing wastewater treatment plant. ~ Leon Barba, P.E., City Engineer

Other Information:

Burgess & Niple, Inc. (B&N) has completed the Planning Phase (30%) for the expansion of the existing wastewater treatment plant.  This contract amendment is for the second of three phases.  This phase will provide design drawings and specifications for construction of the new treatment facilities and for upgrading or repurposing  existing facilities.    


B&N will submit plans for review at the 50% and 95% completion.  Staff will review the plans and specifications and provide comments.  After the 95% complete plans have been reviewed and approved, a cost estimate will be prepared and then submitted to TCEQ for review and approval.


When the 100% plans and specifications are completed, B&N will begin and complete the bidding process.


Major tasks to be performed by B&N are:


  1. Incorporate process treatment and transfer equipment identified in the Preliminary Design Report into the design drawings and specifications.
  2. Provide electrical design plans and specifications for the operation of the plant.
  3. Provide plans and specifications for the required instrumentation and controls for implementing a centralized SCADA system.
  4. Design an energy efficient Operations Center that will incorporate Low Impact Development (LID) features.
  5. Design a second route to the plant site to be used as a primary access road to the plant for both construction traffic and for daily plant operations.
  6. Provide storm water design that will protect the infrastructure and reduce the potential for flooding.
  7. Provide completed design drawings and technical specifications for the bidding process.


The third phase of this project will be contract administration and inspection.  The costs for these services will be determined once the final scope of work for the expansion is completed. 



Legal Notes:


Budget Information:

A Fiscal Note is attached.

Supplemental Amendment No. 1 Contract
Fiscal Note