Item Coversheet


Amendment No. 9, Southside Wastewater Improvements Project to Espey Consultants, Inc. dba RPS

Meeting Date: 2/23/2021
Date time:
7:00 PM


Approve Amendment No. 9 to ESPEY CONSULTANTS, INC. dba RPS, Austin, Texas, in the amount of $79,481.00 for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,010,481.85 for additional engineering services associated with the Southside Wastewater Improvements Project. ~ Leon Barba, P.E., City Engineer

Other Information:

Task 1.1 – Monthly Project Progress Meetings
RPS will continue to attend one construction progress meeting per month to coordinate construction activities between the City, Engineer, and Contractor. The budget estimate is based on time to prepare for, attend and follow-up the meeting as necessary including meeting minutes preparation and distribution. For budgeting purposes, RPS assumes 8 additional progress meetings.


Task 1.2 – Monthly Project Site Visits
RPS will perform one site visit per month to observe construction activities, document progress of

Work, and to determine, in general, if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the contract documents. Each site visit will be documented with a field report.


Task 1.3 – Miscellaneous Meetings
RPS will attend up to 4 additional miscellaneous meetings which may include meetings with the Contractor, with City staff, utility providers, or attendance at public meetings. The budget estimate includes preparation for and attendance at the meeting as well as meeting minute preparation and distribution and follow-up, if necessary. It is assumed meetings with the public will be administered by the City staff.

Task 1.4 - Submittal Review
Most submittals required from the Contractor have been submitted and reviewed. We anticipate an additional 12 submittals and re-submittals, and an additional 8 pay application reviews. RPS will receive and review shop drawings, samples, and other data, which the Contractor is required to submit, and take appropriate action on the submittals.

Task 1.5 – Requests for Information RPS will continue to receive, log, review and respond in writing to Contractor’s formal requests for information (RFI) and as directed by City. RPS will maintain a file of all RFI’s and responses.


Task 1.6 – Change Orders
RPS will review proposed allowance directives, change orders, supplemental agreements, and time
extension requests from the Contractor as directed by the City.


Task 1.7 – Substantial Completion Inspection
After receipt from the Contractor that the Work is substantially complete, RPS will conduct a “walk through” of the project and assist the City in preparing a “Final Punch List”.


Task 1.8 – Final Completion Inspection
After notification from the Contractor that punch list items have been addressed and the project is ready for final inspection, RPS will conduct a final completion walk through with the City and Contractor to confirm the project is complete. Any remaining work items will be summarized in a written punch list.


Task 1.9 – Record Drawings
RPS will prepare record drawings using information provided by the Contractor and City Inspector,
incorporating all field directives and change orders A “Record Drawing” stamp shall be affixed on each document, signifying the field changes have been transferred. One set of record documents on paper 24” X 36” format with a CD-ROM scan will be submitted to the City.


Task 1.10 – Warranty Inspection
RPS will walk the project with the City and contractor 11 months after substantial completion and prepare a punch list of items to be addressed by contractor.


Task 1.11 – Additional Design Services
RPS will perform additional design services to accommodate design revisions associated with easement acquisition and utility assignment changes along the properties known as Murray, Alexander and Edwards Drive. Design services will include coordination with the City; coordination with TxDOT and utility companies; preparation of design drawings and site-specific traffic control plans; and addressing review comments.

Legal Notes:


Budget Information:

Funding is available in the approved CIP budget for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 as follows:


  • 3420-88800-573130   =  $79,481.00

Amendment No. 9 - Southside WW Improvements