Item Coversheet


Bunton Creek Road Change Order # 13

Meeting Date: 2/6/2018
Date time:
7:00 PM


Approve Change Order No. 13 to AARON CONCRETE CONTRACTOR, LP, Austin, Texas in an amount not to exceed $26,892.91 for the purpose of finalizing all the work quantity amounts and closing the construction contract for the Bunton Creek Road reconstruction project, for a total contract amount of $4,737,011.23. ~ Leon Barba, P.E., City Engineer

Other Information:

This is the final change order for the Bunton Creek Rd. reconstruction project and it covers the overruns and underruns on the project.


The contract for the project was awarded by City Council on August 2, 2016 in an amount of $4,329,768.60 with a 5% contingency of $216,488.43 for a total amount of $4,546,257.03.  The final change order will bring the amount of the contract to $4,737,011.23 which is 9.4% over the base contract.  Some of the major changes added to the project included the addition of a traffic signal at Philomena and Bunton Creek, a 20 year design for a section of roadway at the east end of the project and the addition of the widening of Lehman Rd. by the high school.

Legal Notes:


Budget Information:

A Fiscal Note is attached.

Bunton Creek Road Change Order 13
Fiscal Note