Item Coversheet


Burleson Street Supplemental Amendment No. 8

Meeting Date: 1/3/2017
Date time:
7:00 PM


Approve Supplement No. 8 to FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC., Austin, Texas, in an amount not to exceed  $11,488.00 for a total contract amount of $1,372,663.00 for the purpose of developing and revising documents requested by Union Pacific Railroad for the Quiet Zone improvements, roadway realignment options and providing additional waterline design services and documents necessary for the development of plans, specifications and estimates for the Burleson Street improvements. ~ Leon Barba, P.E., City Engineer

Other Information:

As the Burleson St. project plans were being developed the following issues arose:


It was determined the existing water line needed to be replaced due to the poor condition.  The length of pipe increased thus requiring the time and effort required by Freese and Nichols, Inc. (FNI) to develop the plan sheets.


FNI was also asked to look at alternate road options between Barrera Street and Rodriguez Street due to property acquisition issues between these roadway limits. 


During the review of the Quiet Zone plan sheets, Union Pacific requested the legal crossing documentation be submitted and that the width across their property match the existing Burleson St. approach width.  This necessitates the need for new plan sheets and property surveys to be developed. 


Following Union Pacific's review and approval of the updated Quiet Zone plan sheets, the City will need to appraise the easements for acquisition from Union Pacific.   

Legal Notes:


Budget Information:

Funding for this Council agenda item in the amount of $11,488.00 is available in Fund 192-683-57222 (2015 Road Bond Fund)/341-874-57211 (WW CIP Fund).  This statement is being provided in lieu of a Fiscal Note.

Burleson Street SWA # 8 Freese & Nichols
Burleson Street Freese & Nichols Scope Exhibit A
Burleson Street Fees Exhibit A